Honouring and Remembering all of our Stolen Sisters…it’s difficult to find the words…heart breaking, devastating, anger, frustration, agony, felt deeply within our souls. Trying to understand the senseless acts that have taken too many. Why does it continue to happen…


$300 of every painting sold will be donated to a charity

The intent with this painting is to be used as a fundraiser for charities working with families and communities affected by MMIWG2S. Together we can make a difference.

For every print sold, $300 will be donated to a charity. So you're not only purchasing a beautiful painting, but you're also contributing in a nationwide fundraiser.


I am a mother to 3 daughters, I am the middle child of three daughters. My mother is the middle of three sisters. There are more women then men in my family. I am a sister to so many sisters in our community. Awareness, teaching, healing, knowledge, compassion, justice, understanding, patience and love…just some of the words I feel coming forward when my mind tries to understand the pain my heart feels. Just like so many others.

This piece, a vision, that I have been carrying with me for some time came to be in January of 2023. A call for Indigenous artists for a local art exhibit helped me to lay this vision down on its canvas. It was time! A purpose, an opportunity to share this special piece with our community. A significant art show to Honour & Remember Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls & Two-Spirit+ Peoples, and Missing, Murdered & Exploited Indigenous Peoples. An art Exhibit that will be impactful, help to make change, start conversation and move people to help.

This piece honours three sisters, First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples. It depicts the sisters as a woman, young woman and child crossing over into the light. 

The piece also shows some of the powerful creatures that are associated with the Medicine Wheel. The Medicine wheel carries many meanings, and teachings in Indigenous culture. The colours red, yellow, black and white are representative of most versions of the Indigenous medicine wheel. While listening to one of our local Elder’s blessings, he spoke of reference to the medicine wheel and the connection to different groups of people across the country and around the world. Each quarter of the wheel has many meanings however in this case I felt this vision come forward. The Black quarter is the Bear and it also represents Black people. The Yellow quarter is the Eagle and it also represents Asian people. The Red quarter is the Buffalo and it also represents Indigenous people. The White quarter is the Wolf and it also represents White people. The feeling I had when I saw this vision was that the nation is grieving and the losses are felt deeply for each sister who has been stolen. These big beautiful, protective, powerful creatures cry out in anger and sorrow for the sisters that have been lost! The pain and grief is felt across our nation and beyond. My hope is that this piece is powerful enough to move viewers emotionally to speak out, to talk, to help, to change, and to make a difference.